PowHER Redefined

Women of Color Reimagining the World of Work

nFormation x Billie Jean King Leadership Initiative

Research conducted BY Women of Color, FOR Women of Color, to amplify OUR voices

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This white paper is the truth for Women of Color (WOC) at work.

We listened to and captured the voices of 1,500+ WOC on why current Corporate systems fail to enable them to reach their full potential.

Not only did we survey each of them, we moderated additional intimate salons and conducted selected 1:1 interviews with over 100 Asian, Black, Latina, and White women to discuss and identify solutions.

Here’s what we learned.

Listen up.

“If markets were efficient; meaning if meritocracy was real — we’d see more women in leadership. Clearly something is up.” - Black Woman


It’s time to get real.

In the midst of COVID and the worldwide reckoning around racial disparities, WOC said, “ENOUGH!” and are rejecting their jobs. Overall, 1 in 3 WOC considered leaving our jobs in the past year. And you are losing us in a time when you need us more than ever.

So why aren’t you focusing on the skills, talents, and gifts of WOC?

Listen up.

“Rather than bump my head on the glass ceiling of some company c-suite. I’ll just leave and go where I’m valued.” - Asian Woman


Your systems and policies fail us. Only one “broke-ass chair”.

We are negatively impacted from everything from equal pay to advancement.

On top of that, we are feeling the pressure to compete with other WOC for a seat at the table. But, why are we getting messages that suggest there is only one seat at the table for WOC?

Your systems and processes weren’t designed for us or for the future. It’s time they evolve.

Listen up.

“Women of Color are competing with other Women of Color for a seat at the table and there’s only one broke ass chair. And that's the problem.” - Black Woman


WOC are


less likely than white women to agree we have the resources needed to advance our career


less likely than white women to feel our skills are valued in the workplace

Even your DE&I is failing.

Let's face it, there is not enough effective Diversity, Equity or Inclusion.

We need more impactful approaches, we need our efforts to be valued and rewarded, and we need better mechanisms so we can share our thoughts. Transformational DE&I comes from the top so we need you to listen.

Business leaders, how do we innovate DE&I to be more impactful?

Listen up.

“If I were going to name this superpower, I’d say it’s something I developed as a result of being both a Latina and an immigrant; and that is being creative and resourceful in solving problems that come my way. I learned early on, not to give up easily, and how to engage people around me to figure out a solution. I’d say, that has been a huge part of my success.” - Latina


It’s time to rehumanize work.

It's time to change the way we treat each other.

We need safe spaces to address the trauma that we experience at work and mental health resources to repair the damage. Let’s create workplaces that allow all of us to thrive.

So how do we collectively create this for each other?


White women: don’t hoard; share your privilege.

Despite the fact that most white women agree it is essential to enhance overall collaboration and alignment between WOC and white women, the truth is it isn’t happening.

Only 29% of white women are currently sharing insights with WOC about the company culture, individual personalities or other tips that may be helpful. Furthermore, only 9% of white women are currently sponsoring a WOC.

We’re not interested in ‘allies’ who claim they are willing to share their power and privilege. We want co-conspirators who are willing to partner with us to change the systems that hurts us all.

We want co-conspirators who will listen, learn AND lead. Will you join us?

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